Subject: BeechCraft Model Author: Paul Piecuch, "PjjPaul" Uploaded By: PjjPaul Date: 3/4/1997 File: Beech.sea (60246 bytes) Estimated Download Time (51210 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 205 Equipment: Mac IIci with Rocket33, Infini-D 2.01 Needs: Infini-D 2.01 This is a model I made recently of what began as a BeechCraft QueenAir, however, the fuselage degraded into something else since I got tired of translating precise dimensions. The original was modeled in AutoCAD Mac R11 and consists of 3D surfaces (rulesurfs), then DXF'd to Infini-D. I'll upload the rendering later. Checked with Disinfectant 26